A disability can happen to anyone…at any time.
- In the last 10 minutes, 490 Americans became disabled.
– National Safety Council®, Injury Facts® 2010 Ed. - In 2008, there were 2.1 million disabling injuries caused by a motor vehicle accident; there were 39,000 fatal motor vehicle accidents.
– National Safety Council®, Injury Facts® 2010 Ed. - In the U.S., a disabling injury occurs every 1 second, a fatal injury occurs every 4 minutes.
– National Safety Council®, Injury Facts® 2010 Ed. - In the home a fatal injury occurs every 12 minutes and a disabling injury every 3 seconds.
– National Safety Council®, Injury Facts® 2008 Ed. - There is a death caused by a motor vehicle crash every 12 minutes; there is a disabling injury every 13 seconds.
– National Safety Council®, Injury Facts® 2008 Ed. - The probability of a white-collar worker becoming disabled for 90 days or longer between the ages of 35 and 65 is 27% for men and 31% for women.
– Millman, sponsored by Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE), “The Real Risk of Disability in the United States”, 2007 (http://www.lifehappens.org/pdf/Real-Risk-of-Disability-paper-FINAL.pdf) - 43% of all people age 40 will have a long-term disability event prior to age 65.
– JHA Disability Fact Book, 2008 - 51.2 million Americans have some level of disability. They represent 18% of the population.
– U.S. Census Bureau, July, 2006 - The number of disabled workers in America has risen by 35% since 2000.
– Social Security Administration, 2007 - Almost 3 in 10 workers entering the workforce today will become disabled before retirement.
– Social Security Administration, Fact Sheet, January 31, 2007 - In 2007, the employment rate of working-age people with disabilities in the U.S. was 36.9%.
– U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007 - A new Harvard University report reveals that 62 percent of all personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. in 2007 were due to an inability to pay for medical expenses.
– June 4, 2009. The American Journal of Medicine - Unfortunately, most Americans have little understanding of the likelihood of experiencing a disability. A recent CDA survey of workers found:
- 90 percent underestimate their own chances of becoming disabled.
- 85 percent express little or no concern that they might suffer a disability lasting three months or longer.
- 56 percent do not realize that the chances of becoming disabled have risen over the past five years.
– Council for Disability Awareness, 2007 Disability Awareness Survey
For more information about disability insurance or to request a disability insurance quote comparison, contact Set for Life Insurance.