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Financial Blogs Worth Reading

April 26, 2017
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Lately I have been very busy reading, participating and partnering with some fantastic blogs. I wanted to share them with you as you may be able to benefit from them as much as I have. Some are clients of mine, some are partners with us and some I just simply find interesting. Please check them out and let me know what you think! The blogs heavily feature and focus on physicians. However, their messages are transferable to most professionals. White Coat Investor. This is one of the most popular physician blogs on the internet and for good reason. There are daily articles and forums. About White Coat Investor: “My name is Jim Dahle.  I am a practicing board-certified emergency physician a little more than a decade out of residency.  Although I’ve always been interested in personal finance and investing, I really started diving into the field as a resident when I finally got sick of financial professionals ripping me off.  In fact, most of my first few encounters with financial professionals ended badly for me.” Physician on Fire. Now a partner with White Coat Investor, Physician on Fire offers outstanding articles and is very active on Twitter. He writes a Sunday Best article summarizing the best articles each week. His articles are thorough and motivating. Physician on FIRE is a personal finance website created to inform and inspire both physicians and our patients with insightful writing from a physician who has attained financial independence and the ability to retire early. The site has a triple aim to leave visitors enlightened, educated, and entertained. “You can call me PoF, the Physician on FIRE.  I’m an anesthesiologist, family man, and supposed outdoors enthusiast who spends way too much time indoors. I have a lovely wife, 2 lively young boys, and 1 lucky dog. In addition to working and writing, I enjoy photography, moderate exercise, background music, craft beer and homebrewing (also in moderation, of course). I attained financial independence (the F.I.) at age 39, meaning I could afford to retire comfortably after a 9-year career.  I continue to work for various reasons, and I mostly enjoy my job, but do plan to retire early (the R.E.)  To learn more about me, please navigate to  My Story or My Path to FI.” Docs Outside the Box. This was started by a Set for Life client Dr. Nii Daarko. He provides great podcasts about doctors who have interesting lives outside of practicing medicine. The people he interviews are interesting and inspiring. They are positive and motivating. I was honored to be part of his podcast here: This blog was started by Set for Life client Dr. Tarang Patel. I was honored to be his first podcast! You can hear it at

About Doctor Money Matters: The costs of attending medical and dental school continue to rise and leave new graduates with ever increasing amounts of debt. Meanwhile the financial benefits (though still great) are decreasing and continue to be the targets of health care reformers. These are just two factors of many that make it important to learn to invest wisely and inexpensively and to save money where you can. The cost of paying others to do so is just too great for very little (if any) increased performance. A little bit about me: I am a hospital employed radiologist (The opinions on this website and podcast and associated social media sites do not necessarily reflect those of my employer). Prior to this position, I served as a physician in the US Air Force. Ever since college, I have been interested in finance, though I really just dabbled in the stock market. In the last 5 years, I have really spent a lot of time trying to understand personal finance and am continually amazed by how few of my colleagues do. While this site will be geared towards personal finance initially, I would also like to explore professional financial topics such as contract negotiation, salary and employment trends, what to expect if starting a practice. I will try to make blog posts, and podcast interviews relating to these different topics. I would also like to explore investment options such as roboadvisors, peer to peer lending, crowd funded real estate, etc. I will share my experiences with these types of investments. Future Proof Money MD. This blog is gaining a lot of momentum. Look for his blogs called “Future Proof MD Shares.” He interviews a lot of successful people who provide different perspectives when it comes to financial planning.  About Futureproofmd: “I am a radiology resident with an interest in personal finance.  Throughout my medical education, I’ve noticed a surprising lack of personal finance knowledge among young medical professionals, many of whom are extremely bright and talented.  Hence the creation of this blog.  The goal is to serve up small portions of personal finance information that you can digest in a short time (e.g. between patient encounters)>” Passive Income MD. This is a relatively new blog that has a different angle. It discusses how to create passive income to help you retire earlier.  About Passive Income MD: I’m an anesthesiologist living on the West Coast, trying to make it in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I’m also the guy who will pretty much try anything if I think it will make a positive impact on my life. I have a family consisting of a wife, kids, and multiple dogs. Trying to balance my time spent with them while also having an interesting career that can support all of us financially is an end goal. To find out more, please see my blog post on Why I Became Passive Income M.D.