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Disability Insurance Discounts for Consultants

November 10, 2010
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Disability insuranace can be very expensive for consultants. For men, expect to pay approximately 1-3% of your income on premiums. For women, expect to pay 2-4%. The best way to reduce your premiums is to look for discounts without compromising benefits on your policy.

If you are not currently eligible for discounts already in place, you may be able to set one up if 3 or more people in your business purchase a policy. Make sure that your discount will remain on your policy for future increases even if you leave your current employer. Some policies require you to be at the discounted employer at the time when you increase your policy to maintain the discount.

If you are affiliated with an employer or hospital, discounts may already be available to you.

Set for Life Insurance has

discounts available for employees throughout the country. This can help save you between 15% (for men) and 55% (for women). These rates are unisex (female rates are approximately 40% more than male) and have employer sponsored discounts. If you purchase the policy while still affiliated with the discounted hospital, the discount may be permanent and applies to all future increases.

When requesting a quote, be sure to mention the name of your hospital.

Here are some of the hospitals around the country where we have available discounts:

For more information about disability insurance discounts for consultants, including computer consultants, please contact the Set for Life Insurance office today.