2013 College Graduates| And the Highest Paid Majors Are…
Jun 4, 2013
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

4 Jun, 2013

Who are the Highest Paid College Graduates 2013?

It’s graduation season. Congratulations to the class of 2013! With your diploma in hand, you may be wondering, did I pick a major that will pay me enough income to pay back all of those student loans?

According to the Wall Street Journal, here is the list of the top majors for graduates of the class of 2013. And don’t forget to protect that current and income with an individual disability insurance policy!

Petrolium Engineering: $93,500

Computer Engineering: $71,700

Chemical Engineering: $67,600

Computer Science: $64,800

Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineering: $64,400

Mechanical Engineering: $64,000

Electrical/Electronics and Communications Engineering: $63,400

Management Information Systems/Business: $63,100

Engineering Technology: $62,200

Finance: $57,400

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