WNBA Drafted Players May Insure Their Income
Apr 15, 2014
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

15 Apr, 2014

Congratulations to the WNBA drafted players for the 2014 draft.

With a WNBA contract in hand, you may insure your future income with a specialized disability insurance policy.

Athlete policies cover you if you have a career ending injury. It pays you a lump sum at the time of claim.  This is vital to players since their economic future depend on their ability to perform on the court.

The amount of benefit you qualify for depends on the size of your contract. Premiums are based on the size of the policy, gender and age.

Why do athletes choose Set for Life Insurance for their disability insurance?

  • Experience. Set for Life Insurance has specialized in the field of disability insurance for over 20 years.
  • Service. Set for Life prides itself on the quality of service and personalized attention it provides for each client.
  • Access to products. Set for Life is an independent brokerage that works with multiple insurance companies. We shop around to find the most suitable product for your unique situation.
  • Set for Life Insurance is licensed in all 50 states. We can work with you wherever your career takes you.

For more information about athlete disability insurance or to request a personalized quote, contact Set for Life Insurance today!

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