Why Buy Disability Insurance
Apr 30, 2023
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

30 Apr, 2023
Why should people buy disability insurance?

Here are some reasons why people should consider buying disability insurance:

  1. Protect your income: Disability insurance provides a source of income if you become disabled and are unable to work. This can help you maintain your standard of living and cover your expenses.
  2. Peace of mind: Knowing that you have disability insurance can provide peace of mind, knowing that you have a safety net in case something happens that prevents you from earning an income.
  3. Employer-provided coverage may not be enough: While some employers offer disability insurance as an employee benefit, the coverage may not be sufficient to meet your needs if you become disabled.
  4. Self-employed individuals may not have coverage: If you’re self-employed, you won’t have access to employer-provided disability insurance. Buying your own disability insurance can help protect your income and business.
  5. Disability can happen to anyone: Disability can happen to anyone, regardless of age, occupation, or health status. Disability insurance can help protect your income and financial well-being in the event of an unexpected disability.

Overall, disability insurance can provide valuable financial protection and peace of mind for individuals and families in the event of an unexpected disability.

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We’re here to help

Getting the right disability insurance can be downright confusing. At Set For Life, we’ll help you understand the options and work with you to select just the right product for you and your family. These articles will help you understand some of the complexities involved, but we’re happy to walk you through it! If you’re ready to get set, reach out for a quote today!