Set for Life Offers Discounts to Physicians and Medical Residents at Johns Hopkins University
May 9, 2011
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

9 May, 2011

Set for Life Insurance offers specially discounted disability insurance rates on individual disablity insurance to medical residents, fellows, physicians, faculty and employees of Johns Hopkins University.

The discounted policies feature a true own occupation definition of disability that cover physicians in their medical specialty.

To qualify for the discounted rates, applicants must submit their application through Set for Life insurance while employed by Johns Hopkins. Therefore, if a medical resident is graduating, they must submit the application prior to their graduation date.

The discounts range from 15-55%. The discounts are greater for women because the rates are unisex. Women typically pay 40% more than their mail counterparts.

The discounts are permanent and apply to all future purchases.

For more information about discounted disability insurance at Johns Hopkins University or to request a quote, contact the Set for Life Insurance office today.

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