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Are You At Risk For a Disability?

May 17, 2011
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202,886 and counting…

That’s the number of working-age Americans who have experienced a disabling illness or injury so far during May. And how do we know that? Check out America’s Disability Counter, the newest educational tool from the Council for Disability Awareness (CDA) that dramatically illustrates the growing number of working-age Americans who experience a disability.

CDA’s recent consumer research study entitled “The Disability Divide” reported that while wage earners believe that a “disability can strike anyone at any time,” most deny the very real possibility that “a disability can happen to anyone”, could actually mean “it might happen to me.” In fact, most underestimate their disability risk by a factor of ten-fold or more. And few have a valid plan to provide an income should a disability strike.

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. Educating Americans about the growing risk of disability and its devastating consequences is CDA’s core mission. But CDA cannot do it alone. We need your help. We all share responsibility for carrying out the disability awareness mission.

And, we can start by learning about the risk of disability and making sure that our incomes – and financial futures – are protected. We also need to spread the word among friends, family members, employees, financial advisors, co-workers and others – everyone is at risk of experiencing a prolonged illness or injury.

Check out the new Disability Counter Tool, and share it with others.

Barry Lundquist
Council for Disability Awareness

 For more information about disability insurance or to request a personalized disability insurance quote comparison, please contact Set for Life Insurance today!

Did you know…
Set for Life Insurance has the most comprehensive portfolio of disability insurance discounts nationwide? Set for Life has discounts set up at employers around the country saving physicians, dentists, medical residents, nurses, nurse anethetists, executives and other employees significantly on their disability insurance premiums. Additionally, Set for Life has available association discounts through the AMA, ADA, ABA saving physicians, dentists and attorneys on their disability insurance premiums.

When requesting a quote from Set for Life, please be sure to mention the name of your employer or if you are a member of an association.