Disability Insurance for High Income Physicians
Jul 25, 2014
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

25 Jul, 2014

Physicians may purchase up to $25,000/month of individual disability insurance. This is available when combining insurance from more than one company. The maximum amount available from any one company is between $15,000 and $17,000/month (depending on the company).

To obtain $25,000/month benefit, you need to be earning in the $700k to $800k range.

If you are earning more than $800k and need more than $25,000/month benefit, you may purchase excess coverage. This coverage typically will cover you for 5 years and requires you to reapply every 5 years. The policies will still cover you in your medical specialty and require the same type of medical underwriting.  Companies will now offer up to $150,000/month of additional disability insurance benefit.

For more information about disability insurance for high income physicians or to request a quote, contact Set for Life Insurance today!

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