A.M. Best Company has reaffirmed the financial strength rating of “A+ (Superior)” for both The Ohio National Life Insurance Company and Ohio National Life Assurance Corporation.
The rating is the second-highest on a 16-part scale. Ohio National’s ratings have not changed since 1991, a record few can match, especially since the Great Recession.
“The latest reaffirmation from A. M. Best continues to provide important reinforcement of Ohio National’s excellent financial strength and overall positioning,” said Gary T. “Doc” Huffman, CLU, ChFC, Ohio National president and chief executive officer. “Our company’s operations are thriving, and we are focused every day on continuing to provide the highest value to our policyholders.”
In its analysis, Best noted the rating reflected Ohio National’s “positive net operating gains in 2010, strong risk-adjusted capitalization, good risk management platform and the quality of its investment portfolio.”
Additionally, Best said that Ohio National benefits from a “diversified business profile, competitive product offerings and a diversified distribution system … a strong technical platform, efficient variable cost structure, effective asset/liability matching and sound underwriting practices.”
Earlier in 2011, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services also reaffirmed Ohio National’s “AA” (Very Strong) rating, the third-highest on a 21-part scale.
For more information about Ohio National’s ratings or ratings for other companies, please contact Set for Life Insurance today.