Tips for a faster disability insurance underwriting process
Dec 4, 2014
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

4 Dec, 2014

Applying for disability insurance requires a process and at times it can be arduous.

Here are some tips to help the process go more smoothly.

1) Fill out the application as completely as possible. If there are items missing, it can delay the process. For example, if you forget to put down your driver’s license number, it may take awhile for the underwriter to request it and subsequently request a driving record.

2) Conduct your phone interview as soon and as thoroughly as possible. During the phone interview the company will ask you questions about your medical history. This will trigger any requests needed for additional information.  Delaying the interview will delay the process to

3) Be prepared for your interview and paramedical exam. To avoid needing to redo your exam, refrain from vigorous exercise right before the exam. Also, don’t eat anything heavy before the exam as it can also skew the results. For your interview, have the names and contact information for all of your doctors.

4) Contact your doctor. If the company has requested medical records, notify your doctor’s office. This can expedite the process substantially as this is the part that typically takes the longest.

5) Work with an experienced broker. An experienced broker can help you if roadblocks occur and will stay on top of the underwriters during the process. Additionally, they may be able to discern whether or not you ought to apply for coverage at this time in the first place.

For more information about speeding up the disability insurance underwriting process or to request a disability insurance quote comparison, contact Set for Life Insurance today!

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