Life Insurance Barometer Study
Apr 22, 2013
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

22 Apr, 2013


In its third year, the Insurance Barometer is an annual trending study tracking the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers in the United States. This 2013 report, which you can download using the form on this page, seeks to understand how consumers think about life insurance, as well as disability and long-term care insurance. Top findings include:

  • 2/3 of consumers are concerned about money for a comfortable retirement
  • 1/3 of consumers believe they don’t have enough life insurance
  • 1/3 of consumers experienced the death of a relative or close friend in the past 2 years, and are significantly more likely to be concerned about leaving dependents in a difficult financial situation if they were to die than those who didn’t have the experience
  • 17% of consumers are willing to purchase life insurance through retail outlets like warehouse clubs and superstores

For more information about the Life Insurance Barometer Study, visit, website for the Life Insurance Foundation for Education.


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