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Labor Day—Is your Income Protected?

September 3, 2012
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It’s Labor Day. Most of America is celebrating by taking the day off from work. Have you ever stopped to think of what your life would look like if you had the day off but for a different reason? What if you were too sick or injured and couldn’t go in? What if that lasted for a long period of time?

That’s where disability insurance comes into play. Disability insurance is intended to pay you a monthly benefit to replace your income if you become too sick or injured to work.

When was the last time you sat down and reviewed your game plan? What are your monthly expenses?  How much monthly benefit would your insurance pay, or not pay. Is your family aware of what would happen if you stopped bringing home a pay check?

Don’t wait any longer to take action. The best time to purchase an individual disability policy is before you have a diagnosis or a claim. And most likely you are not getting any healthier or younger.

For more information about disability insurance and to request a personalized quote comparison, contact Set for Life Insurance today!