Being a stay at home parent is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. It requires working hours of 24/7 yet it also doesn’t pay well (or at all!).
In fact, since you do not receive an actual paycheck as a stay at home parent, you are not able to purchase an individual disability policy. Purchasing an individual disability policy requires income verification. So what do you do?
Consider purchasing a disability policy while you are still working and before you have children. Once you have your policy, it will still be in force as long as you continue making payments. This is also true if you purchase your policy while working full time if you switch to a part time or modified schedule. (You must work at least 32 hours a week on average to purchase an individual disability policy).
Talk to your spouse and devise a plan to ensure the household could continue financially if you are too sick or injured to be a stay at home mom. How much would it cost to bring in help?
Make sure your spouse is adequately insured is paramount. If something happens to you, it is vital that their income will continue if they, too, are no longer able to work.
You may still purchase life insurance as a stay at home parent. Even though you don’t bring in a paycheck, you still hold an economic value. Calculate the amount it would cost to hire a nanny and homemaker and see if your spouse could still run the household on their income alone. If not, purchase a policy on the stay at home parent.
You may also be able to purchase a long term care policy as a catastrophic measure. Even without a pay check, you may purchase a policy that would pay benefits if you were unable to perform at least 2 activities of daily living (or ADL’s) such as dressing, toileting, transferring, etc… It would also cover you if you had Alzheimer’s or dementia.
For more information about disability insurance, life insurance or long term care insurance planning for stay at home moms and dads or to request a quote comparison, contact Set for Life Insurance today!