Do Individual Disability Insurance Policies Cover Transplants? Rehabilitation?
It is important for you to read your individual disability insurance policy carefully. Some policies will pay out monthly benefits in the event that you need a transplant. This rider does not cost extra. It is important for you to be familiar with the terms of your contract if you ever are in need of a medical transplant.
Additionally, some policies will help pay benefits for rehabilitation. It is important to carefully review any individual disability insurance contract to familiarize yourself with the policy language.
Here is some sample policy language relating to transplant and rehabilitation benefits.
We will pay benefits under the Disability Benefit section and Social Insurance Substitute Benefit section
(subject to those sections’ terms and conditions) if Your Disability results from surgery involving a
transplant of a part of Your body to another person.
Rehabilitation is voluntary if You qualify for benefits under the Disability Benefit section. If You, the
Owner and We agree in writing on a rehabilitation plan in advance, We will pay a portion of reasonable
expenses. The goal of the plan must be to return You to Work.
Any rehabilitation plan must be approved in advance by Us and outlined in a written plan of rehabilitation.
The monthly benefit payable under the Disability Benefit section and Social Insurance Substitute Benefit
section (subject to those sections’ terms and conditions) will continue, unless modified by the
rehabilitation plan.
Rehabilitation assistance may include:
1. Coordination of medical services;
2. Vocational and employment assessment;
3. Purchasing adaptive equipment;
4. Business/financial planning;
5. Retraining for a new occupation;
6. Education expenses.
We will periodically review the plan and Your progress and We will continue