Can A Disability Insurance Broker Help Me with My Claim?
Jan 22, 2019
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

22 Jan, 2019

Disability insurance claims

Recently a potential client contacted me and asked me if I could help assist them in the future if they encountered a disability insurance claim. I explained to them how it worked. Brokers can listen to their clients and direct them to the company to initiate a claim. However, a broker is not actively involved in the claims process. The potential client told me that another broker told them that they are “the best in assisting clients with claims and you should buy from us!”

This is completely false. Brokers do not make claims decisions nor can they influence a company about whether a claim should be paid. Claims decisions are made directly with the client and the broker is not involved whatsoever. If a broker tells you that they assist you in the claims process, this is false. As it turns out, this mentioned broker was in the business for less than a year and most likely had never encountered a claim.

Here is how brokers can assist clients when it comes to claims:

  • Clients come to us when they are sick or injured and explain their situation. We listen and help direct them to the company to further the process.
  • Insurance Brokers can provide claims forms and company contact information.
  • Brokers can assist clients by informing them what is covered with their policy, definition of disability and amount of benefit.
  • Insurance Brokers can help communicate with the company on behalf of the client if they are having difficulty reaching a claims person.

For more information about disability insurance claims or to request a quote, contact Set for Life Insurance today!

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