Summary: Effective, March 27, 2015, occupational classes for several professions including
medical and non-medical are being upgraded, added and/or changed to our DInamic Foundation
occupational class listing.
Upgrades the following 5M medical specialties to the 6M occupational listing:
• Critical Care Physicians
• Neonatologists
• Nephrologists
• Oncologists
Upgrades the following 4M medical specialties to the 5M occupational listing:
• Neurosurgeons
• Orthopedic Surgeons
• Psychologist
Upgrades the following 5A occupational classes to the 6A occupational listing:
• Auto Dealerships, Owner or General Manager (income >$75,000)
• Computer Systems Analyst/Engineer/Programmer (income >$75,000)
• Corporate Executives (minimum of five years experience, income >$75,000)
• Financial Analyst (minimum of five years experience, income >$75,000 prior two years)
• Principal or Superintendent (school)
• Scientists (PhD, with office and consulting duties, minimal lab and no field work)
Upgrades the following 4A occupational classes to the 5A occupational listing:
• Advertising/Account Executives
• Athletic Directors (minimum of five years experience, income >$100,000)
• Auto Dealerships, Owner or General Manager (income <$75,000)
• Computer Systems Analyst/Engineer/Programmer (income <$75,000)
• Corporate Executives (not qualifying as a 6A)
• Scientist (Masters, with office and consulting duties, minimal lab and no field work)
Upgrades the following 3A occupational classes to the 4A occupational listing:
• Auto Dealerships, Finance and Sales Management
• Financial Analysts (others)
• Scientist (others, with office and consulting duties, minimal lab and no field work)
Upgrades the following 2A occupational class to the 3A occupational listing:
• Scientist (field work, lab work, non-hazardous duties)
• Camps/Parks – manager, owner, director (administrative/office duties only)
Upgrades the following A occupational classes to the 2A occupational listing:
• Theater Owner/Manager (administrative/office duties only)
• Kennel Owner/Manager (administrative/office duties only)
• Ophthalmologists
• Proctologists
• Psychiatrists
• Psychologist (PhD)
• Sports Medicine
Physicians (with surgical
• Pulmonary Specialists
• Small Animal Veterinarian
• Sports Medicine Physicians
(no surgical duties)
• Vascular Surgeons (non-
cardiac procedures only)